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How RESTful API is Evolving Labeling Systems for Manufacturers

Jenna Wagner

How RESTful API is Evolving Labeling Systems for Manufacturers


RESTful API (Representational State Transfer API) is a popular architectural style for creating web services, including web-based APIs. It has become a popular approach for building APIs that are easy to use, flexible, and scalable.


RESTful API, or simply REST API, is often used for building web services that allow different software systems to bi-directionally communicate with each other over the internet. REST API has been used by manufacturers for a variety of purposes, including streamlining their labeling processes.




Restful API graphic explaining how REST works

Graphic of how SENTINEL print automation software leverages REST API to bi-directionally communicate data with other business systems within labeling.


How REST API Is Used in Labeling


By using RESTful API, manufacturers can integrate their labeling software with other systems, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) and warehouse management systems (WMS), to automatically retrieve product data, generate accurate and consistent labels, and improve the overall efficiency of their labeling processes. This integration can also help manufacturers reduce errors and achieve compliance with industry regulations and standards.


In the context of labeling processes for manufacturers, RESTful API is playing a significant role in evolving the way manufacturers manage their labeling systems. For example:


  1. Streamlining labeling workflows: RESTful API allows manufacturers to automate labeling workflows and integrate labeling processes with their existing systems. This enables manufacturers to reduce the time and resources required for labeling and achieve greater efficiency in their labeling workflows.
  2. Improving data accuracy and consistency: RESTful API allows manufacturers to integrate labeling data with their existing systems, such as inventory management or production management systems. This ensures that labeling data is accurate and consistent across all systems, reducing the risk of errors and improving the overall quality of labeling data.
  3. Enabling real-time monitoring and reporting: RESTful API allows manufacturers to monitor and report on labeling systems in real-time, providing greater visibility and control over the labeling process. This can help manufacturers identify and resolve issues quickly, reducing the risk of errors and delays.
  4. Facilitating collaboration with partners: RESTful API allows manufacturers to collaborate with partners, such as suppliers or distributors, on labeling processes. This enables manufacturers to share labeling data and streamline the labeling process across the supply chain and across multiple software applications improving overall efficiency and reducing the risk of errors.


To elaborate on the benefits of RESTful API, Bob Lenski, TEKLYNX Sales Engineer stated, “At least 4 out of 5 new customers will use REST. It is the same use case as it always has been, but a much more modern communication method for anyone trying to integrate their technology stack. The level of response you can get from the REST application about a request, instead of having to browse log files and server info, is unmatched. Short of using a very old ERP system that can only write to a database or make a flat file, there's not much reason to not use REST at this point.”



REST API Options for Labeling With TEKLYNX


Most companies with label printing automation software currently use a generic, one-directional method for requesting print jobs, for example, exporting a flat text file from their business system. With this method, you need to monitor folders and log files to see if a print job was successful.


One of the key features of TEKLYNX print automation software, SENTINEL, is the ability to integrate with RESTful APIs, enabling seamless integration with other systems and applications.


Integrating SENTINEL label printing system with RESTful API allows for bi-directional communication. Now when you’re printing out of an ERP, WMS, or other business systems, you’ll receive immediate feedback about that print job and whether it passed or completed, or any errors that may have occurred.


TEKLYNX offers a robust suite of APIs that can be used to integrate labeling software with other systems, such as ERP systems or WMS systems. These APIs allow for automated label printing and labeling workflows, eliminating manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors.




Some of the benefits to integrating TEKLYNX labeling systems using RESTful API include:


  1. Easy integration: TEKLYNX APIs are designed to be easy to use and integrate with other systems, making it simple to set up and automate labeling workflows.
  2. Customization: TEKLYNX APIs can be leveraged to fit specific labeling requirements and workflows, ensuring that the labeling process meets the unique needs of the organization.
  3. Improved efficiency: By integrating with RESTful APIs, TEKLYNX enables automated label printing and labeling workflows, reducing the time and resources required for labeling and improving overall efficiency.
  4. Real-time monitoring and reporting: TEKLYNX APIs enable real-time monitoring and reporting of labeling systems, providing greater visibility and control over the labeling process.


TEKLYNX integration with RESTful APIs provides manufacturers with a powerful tool for improving labeling workflows, increasing efficiency, and reducing the risk of errors.


The Future of RESTful APIs


In recent years, RESTful API has evolved to include more advanced features, such as machine learning and natural language processing. These technologies can help manufacturers automate and optimize their labeling processes even further, by enabling the system to recognize patterns and generate labels based on more complex data inputs.


For example, a manufacturer could use 3rd party machine learning algorithms to analyze product data and generate labels based on specific product attributes, such as weight, size, or material. They could also use natural language processing to extract data from unstructured sources, such as product descriptions or customer reviews, and use that data to generate more accurate and relevant product labels.


The future of RESTful APIs in labeling systems is likely to be closely tied to developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning. As these technologies continue to advance, the demand for high-quality labeled data is likely to increase. RESTful APIs will play a key role in facilitating the creation and management of labeling projects, as well as in integrating machine learning models into the labeling process.


In addition, the use of RESTful APIs in labeling is likely to become more widespread as more companies adopt cloud-based computing and storage solutions. Cloud-based solutions make it easier to share data and functionality across different applications and systems, which is a key feature of RESTful APIs.


RESTful API Labeling Systems Will Continue To Grow


Overall, RESTful API is transforming the way manufacturers manage their labeling systems, making them more efficient, accurate, and collaborative. RESTful API is evolving to become an even more powerful tool for manufacturers looking to improve their labeling processes and stay competitive in today's rapidly changing market.


The future of RESTful APIs in labeling systems is bright, and we can expect to see continued growth and innovation in this area as new technologies and approaches to labeling continue to emerge. Get in touch with the labeling experts at TEKLYNX to discuss leveraging RESTful APIs in your labeling system.


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About Jenna


Jenna Wagner, Global Marketing Director, is a successful strategic marketing executive with over 20 years of marketing experience in software technology and consulting services. She is a creative, dynamic, results-driven leader who possesses a passion for developing her teams.  She leverages her deep understanding of the solutions and industries she serves to deliver impactful customer value throughout the global supply chain to help organizations barcode better.    


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